

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that reshapes and reconstructs the nose. It can help correct asymmetries, remove bumps or humps, and increase or decrease the size of the nostrils. The outcome of rhinoplasty can drastically improve one's self-esteem and confidence!

The surgeon will begin by making incisions inside the nostrils to access the underlying structures. Then they will reshape and sculpt the cartilage and bone until it is in harmony with other facial features. Depending on what needs to be done, sometimes additional cartilage may be added from another part of your body (like your ear) for more support. Lastly, skin is redraped over the new shape for a smoother appearance.

(It's important to note that) results of rhinoplasty won't show right away; full healing can take up to 12 months! During this time you may experience swelling, bruising and numbness around your nose which should subside gradually as you heal. You'll need to take some time off work while you recover too - about 7-10 days usually suffices.

Nevertheless, if you have been considering rhinoplasty then it's worth doing your research first - consult with several surgeons before choosing someone who specialises in nasal surgery and make sure that all risks associated are discussed prior to booking an appointment. Besides that though, there's nothing stopping you from getting a new look! So go ahead: let yourself shine with a little help from rhinoplasty!

Cosmetic Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that involves reshaping, augmenting or reducing the size of the nose.
A good candidate for rhinoplasty should be in overall good health and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.
The risks associated with rhinoplasty include scarring, infection, numbness or loss of feeling in the nose, difficulty breathing through the nose, and asymmetry due to uneven healing.
Recovery time will vary depending on each individual's case but typically takes around one week for any swelling or bruising to subside and several weeks before full results can be seen.