Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that (can) increase the size, shape and fullness of a woman's breasts. It has become increasing popular amongst women who want to enhance their body contour. The surgery involves implanting an artificial breast implant beneath the chest muscles or breast tissue. Though it can be a life-changing experience for some, one must consider all potential risks before opting for it!

Firstly, there are many risks associated with this procedure such as pain, bleeding, infection and even misplacement of the implants. Moreover, these implants may require further surgeries in future if they rupture or become displaced due to gravity. In addition to this, women also need to remember that the results may not always be pleasing as expected and could even lead to dissatisfaction with their appearance.

However, despite these potential negative outcomes, this type of plastic surgery can have positive effects too! By improving self-esteem and confidence levels within individuals, breast augmentation can ultimately help improve an individual’s quality of life. Additionally, it can also correct any asymmetries in the breasts which may have been causing distress prior to surgery.

All in all, while considering breast augmentation one should meticulously weigh up its pros and cons before making any decision! It is important that individuals are thoroughly informed about all possible outcomes before undergoing such a major operation. Moreover, seeking medical advice from qualified professionals is paramount when deciding whether or not to proceed with such operations!


Frequently Asked Questions

Breast augmentation is a type of cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that involves the use of implants to enlarge or enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts.
There are two main types of implant used for breast augmentation, saline and silicone. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Risks associated with having a breast augmentation include infection, scarring, changes in sensation, asymmetry, implant leakage or rupture, and potential health complications from using an implant.
Recovery time following a breast augmentation varies depending on the individual but typically ranges between one to two weeks before returning to normal activities.