

A Facelift is a (surgical) procedure used to improve the appearance of the face and neck. It can help people look younger, feel more confident and (even) boost self-esteem! The surgery removes excess skin, tightens underlying tissues and may even involve reshaping certain facial features. However, it is important to understand that it is not a permanent solution and will require maintenance over time.

Generally speaking, there are two types of Facelifts: Traditional Facelifts and Mini Facelifts. Traditional facelifts involve making incisions near the temples, around the ears or in front of the hairline. The surgeon then lifts and repositions (the skin), removing any excess skin before closing with sutures or adhesive tape. As for Mini-facelifts, they use smaller incisions but provide less dramatic results than traditional facelifts.

When considering a Facelift it's important to research thoroughly and seek professional advice from qualified surgeons who specialize in this field! Furthermore, be sure to ask questions about potential risks such as infection, scarring or (numbness). Also make sure you are aware of recovery timescales so you can plan accordingly. Ultimately though, if performed correctly by an experienced surgeon a Facelift can make a huge difference – providing smoother contours on your face!


Frequently Asked Questions

A facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery procedure used to reduce the signs of aging in the face and neck.
Yes, there are several types of facelifts, including mini-facelifts, mid-facelifts, and full or traditional facelifts.
Facelift results generally include tighter skin on the face and neck, improved facial contours, and reduced wrinkles and sagging jowls.