

Rhinoplasty (nose job) is a surgical procedure used to reshape the nose. It is an extremely common operation, often done for cosmetic reasons, but also sometimes in order to improve breathing or correct birth defects. The procedure involves cutting and repositioning the bone and cartilage of the nose. Recovery time varies depending on the person, but typically it takes several weeks for patients to heal properly.

The first step in a rhinoplasty is to determine what changes are desired. This can be discussed between patient and doctor, with imaging techniques such as computerized tomography (CT) scans often used to help get an accurate picture of what will be done. After this initial planning phase, anesthesia will be given and the surgery itself will begin. During the procedure, small incisions will be made either outside or inside the nose in order to access the underlying structure of bone and cartilage that requires reshaping.

Once complete, these structures are cut and reshaped according to plan before being sutured back together again. Nasal packing may then be placed inside each nostril in order to reduce swelling during recovery; this packing can usually be removed within one week post-surgery. In some cases, splints may also need to be worn temporarily in order to keep everything stable while healing occurs; these should not remain any longer than two weeks after surgery.

Finally, patients are advised to avoid strenuous activity for at least three weeks following rhinoplasty surgery - but otherwise they should return gradually scowling their normal activities within reason! Patients should also ensure they follow all instructions provided by their doctor regarding medication use and wound care throughout this period so that they can heal quickly without complication(s). Moreover, follow up appointments with a physician are highly recommended during recovery so that progress can be monitored closely. All-in-all though, rhinoplasty is generally considered safe when conducted under proper medical supervision!

With that said however, it's important for anyone considering this kind of treatment consult their physician beforehand – as there may be risks involved depending upon individual anatomy and health history! Ultimately though - rhinoplasty has become an increasingly popular option over recent years due its potential ability to enhance facial appearance significantly; whilst conversely providing much needed relief from breathing difficulties too!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that involves reshaping the nose to improve its appearance and/or function.
The risks associated with rhinoplasty include infection, excessive bleeding, scarring, and possible breathing problems.
Recovery time for rhinoplasty can vary depending on the individual, but typically takes about two weeks.