Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation (also known as "boob job" or mammoplasty) is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the size and shape of a woman's breasts. It can be done both for cosmetic reasons, such as to enhance a woman's figure, or for reconstructive purposes after mastectomy or trauma. Although it remains one of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery, breast augmentation has its risks and drawbacks.

Firstly, it is important to note that breast implants are not permanent; they will eventually need to be replaced due to weariness or leakage over time. As such, women who undergo this surgery must understand that repeat procedures may be necessary in the future. Furthermore, potential complications include capsular contracture (when scar tissue hardens around an implant), infection, changes in nipple sensation and even necrosis (tissue death). Additionally, there is also the risk of implant rupture which can lead to several health problems if not addressed immediately.

Moreover, breast augmentation does not come cheap! The cost of implants varies widely depending on factors like quality and type chosen but expect to spend anywhere between $4-10 thousand dollars! And while some insurance companies cover certain types of reconstruction surgery associated with medical conditions like cancer or injury caused by accidents etc., most do not provide coverage for purely cosmetic surgeries.

Finally, despite being a relatively common procedure nowadays women should keep in mind that breast augmentation cannot guarantee satisfaction with their appearance; only realistic expectations should be set before electing this type of surgery! Therefore it is incredibly important for women considering getting a boob job to think carefully about their decision prior to committing themselves! After all - you only get one body!

In conclusion, while breast augmentation can bring significant improvements to self-confidence and help restore balance after various medical treatments - it’s important for women contemplating this option to remember: that there are many potential risks involved and costs associated with this type of cosmetic surgery. Henceforth they should take into account all relevant information before making any final decisions!

Breast Augmentation

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Posted by on 2023-06-30

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of breast augmentation surgery depends on many factors including geographic location, surgeon fees, implants selected, and other associated costs.
Recovery time for a breast augmentation procedure usually takes 3-4 weeks with some swelling and bruising lasting up to 6 weeks after your operation.
As with all forms of plastic surgery, there are risks such as infection, bleeding, asymmetry, implant leakage/rupture and scarring that patients should be aware of before undergoing this procedure.
This decision should be discussed between you and your plastic surgeon to determine which type of implant would be most suitable for achieving your desired results.
Generally speaking, candidates must be over 18 years old in order to undergo this procedure safely due to the fact that the breasts are still developing until then.