Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a popular surgical procedure (for many women) that involves the enlargement of the breasts. It can be used to enhance breast size, shape and symmetry. For some women, it can also provide a boost in self-confidence!

Negation plays an important role during this process – patients must be aware that not everybody will respond well to the implants and in rare cases there may be complications. Therefore, it's essential to do research beforehand and find a qualified surgeon who has experience with this particular surgery.

Moreover, potential candidates should take into account all aspects of their lifestyle before committing themselves to the augmentation process. Since recovery time can take several weeks, they should make sure they have set aside sufficient time for convalescence. Furthermore, any strenuous physical activity ought to be avoided for at least 3 months after the operation!

Conclusively, prospective patients should keep in mind that breast augmentation isn't something to jump into lightly; thorough research is critical prior to making a decision – both medically and psychologically speaking! And although it may seem like a drastic measure, this procedure can offer tremendous benefits for those willing to take the plunge. All in all, it’s certainly worth considering if you feel your current physique could use a little extra enhancement. Transition phrase: To sum up...


Frequently Asked Questions

Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, is a type of plastic surgery that uses implants to increase the size, shape, or fullness of the breasts.
It's best to talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon about your individual goals and expectations in order to determine if breast augmentation is right for you.
Common side effects include swelling, bruising, pain, and soreness at the incision sites. Other risks include infection, implant leakage or rupture, changes in sensation in the breasts or nipples, and formation of hard scar tissue around the implant.
The cost of breast augmentation can vary depending on many factors such as location, doctor fees, type of implant chosen, etc. Generally speaking it can range from $3-7k USD.