

Liposuction (also known as lipoplasty) is a surgical procedure that removes fat deposits from certain areas of the body. It is commonly used to remove stubborn fat from the abdomen, thighs, hips and buttocks. Though it can be an effective way to contour one's body, it should not be considered a substitute for dieting and exercise!

Negative side effects of this procedure include pain, infection and swelling. Additionally, there may be skin discoloration or unevenness following surgery. Patients must take care to follow post-operative instructions carefully in order to minimize these risks. Moreover, liposuction cannot correct sagging skin or improve cellulite; thus other procedures may be necessary in order to achieve desired results.

Consequently, it is important for patients considering liposuction to meet with experienced plastic surgeons who can explain the risks and outcomes associated with the procedure. The surgeon should also discuss lifestyle changes such as eating healthy and exercising regularly that can help maintain results over time.

Furthermore, candidates for liposuction must have realistic expectations about what this surgery can accomplish. It will not produce miraculous transformations overnight and is not meant for weight loss; rather it removes small amounts of fat cells from specific areas on the body in order to create more pleasing shapes and contours!

In conclusion, while liposuction can provide impressive results when performed properly by a qualified professional, potential patients need to understand its limitations before making a decision. Ultimately, with careful research and consultation with an experienced doctor, individuals may find this procedure beneficial for achieving their desired look!


Frequently Asked Questions

Liposuction is a type of plastic surgery procedure that removes fat from the body using suction.
Good candidates for liposuction are those who have localized pockets of excess fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. It is not recommended as a weight loss solution.
Yes, like any surgical procedure there are risks associated with liposuction such as infection, bleeding, swelling, skin discoloration and changes in sensation.
Results vary depending on the individual, but most people experience smoother looking contours and an overall improved appearance in the treated area.
The cost of liposuction varies depending on the size and location of the area being treated, but typically costs between $2,000-$7,000 USD.